
A poem based on Psalm 133. This beautiful and popular psalm is about so much more than children getting along at home, though it certainly includes that, too.

Fellow travelers, pilgrims of Zion!
Do you see it?
Look how good and beautiful it is
when we come together as one,
gathered here as brothers and sisters.


Look what happens
when we flow together,
thick and smooth as the finest oil,
like the fragrant oil of holiness
pouring richly down the head of
our great high priest,
streaming down his robes
in a golden river,
cleansing body and soul,
until together they shine
with the glory of God’s presence!


Look what happens
when we come together
on the slopes of Zion,
the mountain of God.
Alone, we are but a drop,
but together, we are
like the great dew that waters
the heights of Mount Hermon,
glistening like diamonds
as it gives life to the land
and refreshes the weary.
For indeed it is here, on Mount Zion,
this place of our gathering,
that God’s blessing flows,
the blessing of true and abundant life, everlasting.

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