
A sonnet (of sorts) about working through overwhelming emotions in difficult times.

Dense fog    emotions swirl    rising  falling  wisps

  Withheld long    swelled strong    jail-broken  now adrift

 Raging fear    weary tears    stumble  tumble  twist

    Path obscure    world ablur    lost within the mist


I wander through the pall that will not lift

and wring the haze to fill my bittered cup

with all the broken things I cannot fix

and all the endless ways I’m not enough.


Uncuff my heart and call the devil’s bluff.

Redig the well that once sustained. Put shame

in dialogue with truth, and gather up

my shattered dreams to give them place and name.

Reshape the fog as nebula, as hope

unfurls the soul of wanderer made host.

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